My Hope Today


That you may see the stars and gaze...


This Air of Bright and Glistening Breeze

With silent rush as golden sun pours full upon the dark blue-grey of fallen sky,
The spray of showered shards of light,
Prick patter wet to face with warmth of summer's flight,
A wash of colours never caught,
Our distance brought before us now as nature's tease,
This arc of world,
This seldom seen,
Uncertain hour this air of bright and glistening breeze.

The wave of velvet night unfolds through highland pass with shooting star,
Walk soft and safe upon this earthly place of distant dream,
And soon beneath the countless points of bright to water's edge,
Where wild and wondrous sea breaks shore,
With ocean salt and strength explore,
My hope your heart finds peace and home that day and evermore.


Be Loved

May words fall warm upon this day,
May sky be blue,
Your hours - bright,
Those close to you be tender this and every night...

